
Garden Diary - August 2024

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Flowers Around Town
in August 2024

It started in the days of covid-19. Everyone was told to sequester at home. For me, a difficult part of the restrictions meant I could no longer go to visit gardens. Very sad. To make me feel better, Paul would drive me around town to look for flowers in people's yards. I did my best to photograph out the car's window, with an occasional escape out the door for an image while huddled against the car. Now vaccinated (multiple times, in the years since) I am still watching for flowers in other gardens. But now I can comfortably get out of the car and even cross the street.

Thursday, 8 August

Finally, a safe place to stop and photograph goldenrod, Solidago. This is on Creek Road.
I've been noticing it for better than a week, but on busy roadways. It has been tantalizing
because this is earlier than I expect to see it. Should be end of August, not last of July.

Sunday, 4 August

Lovely red hibiscus in a front yard on Harrison Street. Of course now
I've seen it here, I notice it at two more places just on the way home.

Thursday, 1 August

Yes, it's August. But today, rather than flowers around town
I could equally say Flowers Around Frenchtown. As you will see.

Casual furniture as colorful as flowers outside the coffee shop.

A view along Bridge Street. And yes, there is a bridge across the Delaware River.

Not really a street, more of a walkway with red flowered cannas and a froth of white petunias.

Consider the leaf. Or should I say "fronds." Boston ferns making a lush but cool display.

Not sure what this vine might be, clambering up dry willow branches.

No labels. I'm fairly certain this ornamental sweet potato is 'Sweet Caroline'.
And I'll venture that the deep burgundy sun coleus is the cultivar 'Flamingo'.

More ornamental sweet potato, some asparagus fern, Asparagus setaceus,
and I think that this sun coleus with its showy foliage is 'Alligator Alley'.

The "spiller" here is golden creeping Jenny, Lysmachia numularia 'Aurea'.
Winter hardy if planted in the ground, or even in a half barrel size container.
A rex begonia is overwhelmed by its companions. Yet another coleus, here
with a bright chartreuse center and burgundy/maroon edge is 'Japanese Giant'.

These are flowers around town alright, the town of Frenchtown.
And if the coleus appeal to you, there is - ready for this - a mail order site that
specializes in coleus and nothing else. It is Rosy Dawn Gardens in Michigan.
Closed now, reopening in December. For sure I will be "visiting" early next year.

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